At Verdant Works the rattle and the roar of the orgininal restored machinery transport you back over 100 years to an era when jute was king and Dundee its realm.
The jute textile collections at Verdant Works are Recognised Collections of National Significance. As well as the large working machinery that illustrates the processing of jute; smaller objects and archives reveal topics such as the industry’s Indian connections, research and development, textile products, textile engineering and the lives of the workers.
Verdant Works
Visitor Info
Find Us
West Henderson’s Drive
Verdant Works
West Henderson's Wynd
Getting here
By road – Verdant Works is in the Blackness area of Dundee on West Henderson’s Wynd. On entering Dundee you should follow signs for ‘city centre’ and Verdant Works is signposted throughout the city. Enter DD1 5BT postcode in your sat nav. Free car parking is available in our dedicated car park.
By rail – Dundee is on the main East Coast line and the railway station is approximately a ten minutes from Verdant Works. For tickets and up to date railway timetables, please visit Scotrail or Trainline.
By bus – Most buses from Fife stop at Greenmarket which is just at the side of the railway station so only ten minutes’ walk to Verdant Works. If you are coming from Forfar, Verdant Works is a short walk from the High Street. All buses from Perth, Blairgowrie and Coupar Angus stop at Debenhams, outside the Overgate shopping centre. For those travelling from further afield by bus, Verdant Works is a 20 minute walk from Dundee bus station.