At Verdant Works the rattle and the roar of the orgininal restored machinery transport you back over 100 years to an era when jute was king and Dundee its realm.
The jute textile collections at Verdant Works are Recognised Collections of National Significance. As well as the large working machinery that illustrates the processing of jute; smaller objects and archives reveal topics such as the industry’s Indian connections, research and development, textile products, textile engineering and the lives of the workers.
Verdant Works
Visitor Info
Café and Shop
The Cafe offers a varied menu of hot and cold snacks and drinks. Enjoy one of our daily specials in the relaxed and friendly surroundings or sample some of our speciality teas or coffees.
The extensively stocked gift shop has a number of specialist jute products. The charm of this Victorian gift shop coupled with the quirky and unusual products on sale ensure a really exclusive shopping experience.
Café and gift shop open to visitors and general public. The café closes one hour before the museum closing time.
Extensive range of education services and workshops for schools and booked groups in the 'Red Box' learning centre.