At Verdant Works the rattle and the roar of the orgininal restored machinery transport you back over 100 years to an era when jute was king and Dundee its realm.
The jute textile collections at Verdant Works are Recognised Collections of National Significance. As well as the large working machinery that illustrates the processing of jute; smaller objects and archives reveal topics such as the industry’s Indian connections, research and development, textile products, textile engineering and the lives of the workers.
Verdant Works
Visitor Info
Verdant Works looks forward to welcoming you. The site has made a concerted effort to ensure our facilities and displays are accessible to all - this good practice has been recognised by the Adapt Trust (physical) and the Intact Trust (intellectual).
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information on accessibility.
- Designated parking spaces are available on the right hand side of the street as you approach the museum down West Henderson’s Wynd.
- There is no charge for these spaces. However, please note that they are not bookable.
- Verdant Works also has a free car park for customers (entrance from Blinshall Street from which there is level pavement access to the museum).
Physical access
- Verdant Works has an historic cobbled courtyard entrance and some uneven surfaces in the High Mill and Glazed Alley, which are passable with care.
- There are ramps throughout the museum whenever there is a change in floor level.
- There is a lift to the first floor Social History gallery.
- This lift also provides access to the conference rooms and the first and second floors of the High Mill.
- Wheelchairs are available for loan at no charge.
- Due to the restricted width of current doorways users of large motability scooters may find access to the reception area difficult.
Other services, resources and facilites
- Reception area, circulation areas (ie to the lift) and the High Mill are well lit.
- Within the exhibition galleries, light levels can vary.
- There are audio visual disaplys so noise levels vary.
- The machine hall often has working machinery in it and noise levels can be very high.
- The High Mill is a large space so noise can travel and reverberate.
- There is a variety of seating throughout the museum.
- Adapted toilets are available.
- Aassistance dogs are admitted.
- Concession rates are available.
- Carers are admitted free.