Since it was established in 1967, the Museum Trust has collected artefacts connected to the history of fishing from all around the coast of Scotland, as well as from the Western and Northern Isles. The entire collection cared for by the Scottish Fisheries Museum is a Recognised Collection of National Significance, awarded by Museums Galleries Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government.
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Play & Learn
Learning through play is a key feature of our museums. We invite you to explore our play and learn activites online - and hopefully in person!
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Art Cart
Make origami boats, read exciting stories and complete other fun activities at the museum's Art Cart.
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Block and Tackle
Use a fishing boat's pulley system to lift heavy sandbags with ease.
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Dress like a fisherman
Dress in the waterproof clothes of a modern fisherman. Will you be able to stay dry?
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Dressing up!
Use the museum's supply of costumes to dress up as a fisherlad or fisherlass.
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Fishermen's Bunk Beds
Discover what it was like to sleep on a nineteenth century fishing boat.
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Get knotting!
Find out how to tie useful knots such as a Sheet Bend or a Bowline.
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Museum Worksheets
These will challenge you to hunt for hidden objects and answer fiendish questions as you make your way through the museum.
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Steam power and life on board
Answer challenging questions and handle replica artefacts in order to discover what life was like on a steam drifter.
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Try your hand at net-making
Learn how to make a fishing net. Can you make one strong enough to catch a fish?
Scottish Fisheries Museum
What a Midden!
Explore the museum's midden in order to discover what people ate thousands of years ago.
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Wheelhouse equipment
Stand in the wheelhouse of an old fishing boat. Can you work out what all the equipment was used for?