Almond Valley's Recognised collection celebrates Scotland's pioneering shale oil industry, and includes objects illustrating mining, retorting and refining processes, the products of the industry, and how they were marketed. The museum archive holds the surviving official records of the shale oil companies.
Almond Valley Heritage Trust
Play & Learn
Learning through play is a key feature of our museums. We invite you to explore our play and learn activites online - and hopefully in person!
Almond Valley Heritage Trust
Build a firebrick archway
Build a firebrick archway! Learn about the science behind how to build an archway.
Almond Valley Heritage Trust
Gavieside schoolroom
Come long and try your hand at writing on a slate and doing arithmetic! Have fun in the Gavieside schoolroom!
Almond Valley Heritage Trust
Join the class
Join the class at Gavieside primary school! Get your picture taken and post it on social twitter @shalemuseum @goindustscot
Almond Valley Heritage Trust
Style the pony's tail
Have a go at styling a pit pony’s tail! Get the pony looking lovely for the agricultural show.
Almond Valley Heritage Trust
To viscosity and beyond!
To viscosity and beyond! Pump air through different types of oil to see which one is thickest.