Join us to celebrate Women's History Month

For Women’s History Month we’re taking part in a collaboration with other museums and heritage organisations, to celebrate women using items from our collections.
Each week we’ll be using a different hashtag to draw a different focus on our collections – details below.
All heritage organisations are welcome to join us! For more info please contact Laura of Devil’s Porridge Museum or Emma of Go Industrial
1-7 March #WeShouldAllBeFeminists
Prompt: Inspired by an essay written by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche, find an item in your collections that exemplifies why we should all be feminists.
8-14 March #ChoosetoChallenge
Prompt: In honour of this year's IWD theme, find an item/share a story/photo from your collection where a woman challenges the status quo.
15-21 March #ThisGirlCan
Prompt: Find an item/share a story/photo from your collection that shows women who were pioneers in taking on a new role/challenge.
22-31 March #TheFutureisFemale
Prompt: Share a photo that shows the girls and women of today engaging with the past through your collections!